The Soprano’s Last Supper Las Vegas Show Tickets

The Soprano’s Last Supper Las Vegas Show Tickets

The Soprano’s Last Supper Show Tickets and Reservations

The Soprano's Last Supper Las Vegas Show

AccessVegas.comThe Soprano’s Last Supper

The Soprano’s Last Supper is sure to entertain patrons with its’ unique parody of the award winning show including singing, dancing, fine Italian cuisine, comedy and more. Guests can interact with characters Tony Baritone, Bobby Baclava, Dee Dee Diamond and the rest of the “family” while helping sniff out the rat among them. This energetic performance will have people out of their seats and engrossed in a mob-era not too long past.


Tropicana Hotel and Casino


Retail price includes any box office fees and Live Entertainment Tax. All tickets are subject to a vendor service fee that varies based on the show and the venue.

AccessVegas.comThe Soprano’s Last Supper